Richard E. Dougert

HOSR Chief Referee/USRowing Referee

May 17, 2020

I just want to share some thoughts with my fellow homebound rowing friends.

So we have all had the experience of staying home and wondering how to occupy our time.  I have engaged in more yard and home maintenance this year than I ever even hoped to in years past, and I have found time to catch up on my reading. I can recommend Ron Chernow’s “Alexander Hamilton” to history buffs. No I haven’t seen the Hamilton musical, but would like to when things clear up.

Prior years have found me as a Chief Referee or Referee at one regatta or another from early March without a break until June, at which point my calendar gave up a weekend or two here and there. Of course this did not allow much time to take advantage of spring weather for outside home and garden maintenance. Regattas continued many weekends through fall. This transitioned into time needed for referee candidate recruiting, referee and launch driving clinics, and planning for the next year.

But in 2020 we have all seen our world change. My world, and my home and garden have benefited greatly by the unanticipated extra time I have available. Oh, the yard waste has piled up. (Working on my sixth truck load.) Trees and shrubs are getting overdue attention. Hey, things have been growing out there that may start attracting the interest of the Morris Arboretum, and a few professors at the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences. House maintenance has continued at a fairly good pace on our 18th century Gulph Mills home. Fences have been repaired. (You can find how to do anything on the internet.) Preparations are under way for spring house painting, and I have stopped counting the number of shutters I have repaired.

So this episode in our lives has given me the gift of time. Nice to get something out of it, but  I am looking forward to getting back to real ‘face to face time’ with out of area family, friends, and fellow members of the rowing community. I am sure I am not alone, and am confident we will all get there. After all, it is our nature to compete and overcome difficulties. Meanwhile be well and I hope you can use the time to address the things you have been putting off: you know what they are. And just think, the Schuylkill will be dredged by next year!

Rich Dougert

We are in this together.